
Who it’s for:  This advanced course on Mastering Chat GPT is designed for learners who have a basic understanding of Artificial Intelligence and are looking to delve deeper into the field of generative models, particularly focusing on ChatGPT. Ideal for students, professionals, or tech enthusiasts who have foundational knowledge of AI and are eager to explore the applications and intricacies of ChatGPT.

What it is: This course offers a comprehensive exploration of ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art language model developed by OpenAI. It delves into the mechanisms of ChatGPT, its applications, and the technical aspects that make it a transformative force in the tech field.

What you’ll learn:

What is Generative AI and ChatGPT?:  Understand the basics of Generative AI and how ChatGPT fits into this landscape. Learn about the architecture, functionality, and principles that guide the operation of ChatGPT.

How to communicate with ChatGPT: Master the art of interacting with ChatGPT. Learn how to craft effective prompts and responses to get the most out of your interactions with this powerful language model.

Prompt engineering: Delve into the world of prompt engineering. Understand how to craft effective prompts that guide the AI in generating desired outputs.

Prompt engineering for text generation:  Learn how to use prompt engineering specifically for text generation tasks. Understand how to guide ChatGPT to generate creative and coherent text.

Prompt engineering for information retrieval:  Explore how to use prompt engineering for information retrieval tasks. Learn how to ask questions in a way that helps ChatGPT provide the most accurate and relevant information.

Demonstration: ChatGPT for other uses:  Through practical demonstrations, explore how ChatGPT can be used beyond simple question-answering. Discover its potential for tasks like content creation, programming help, learning new topics, and more.

Other ChatGPT-like language models:  Learn about other language models that are similar to ChatGPT. Understand their similarities and differences, and when to use each one.

By the end of this course, you’ll have an in-depth understanding of ChatGPT, its applications, and how to effectively use it. You’ll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to leverage ChatGPT in your AI projects, opening up new possibilities for innovation and exploration.

Example Curriculum