
Who it’s for: These on-demand training videos about Microsoft Azure HDInsight are designed for professionals, data engineers, data scientists, and anyone interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of Microsoft Azure HDInsight and its capabilities. Whether you're seeking to enhance your knowledge in big data processing, data engineering, or advanced analytics, these videos will provide valuable, high-level insights.

What it is: These on-demand training videos offer a high-level exploration of Microsoft Azure HDInsight, a fully-managed cloud service that simplifies Big Data processing. HDInsight is a key player in the Big Data field, providing capabilities for a wide range of scenarios from ETL to Machine Learning. You will be introduced to the intricacies of HDInsight, gaining an understanding of its architecture, key components, and integration with popular big data tools and frameworks.

What you’ll learn: 

  1. Basics of Big Data - learn the fundamental concepts of Big Data including the Five V’s.
  2. HIstory of Hadoop- Learn about the history of Hadoop, HDFS, and MapReduce, the building blocks of many Big Data solutions.
  3. Big Data Ecosystem for ETL - Get a high-level overview of the Big Data Ecosystem for ETL (Extract, Transform, Load).
  4. Big Data Use Cases - Discover the importance of Big Data, its inherent value, and its use cases across industries such as Machine Learning, Fraud and Security, Analytics, and Healthcare.
  5. Microsoft Azure HDInsight for Data Engineering Solution - Learn the different components of Microsoft Azure to provide a robust and scalable platform for data engineering solutions.
  6. HDInsight vs Traditional Hadoop Ecosystem - Analyze and compare HDInsight with traditional Hadoop ecosystems, enabling you to gauge why Microsoft Azure is a cost-effective solution.

By the end of this course, you’ll have a high-level understanding of Microsoft Azure HDInsight and its role in the Big Data landscape. With this knowledge, you'll be equipped to leverage the power of Microsoft Azure HDInsight for driving innovation and success in your big data projects.